Leaving Treadmarkz Across the Universe

“Oprah’s Big Give”: A Second Step in the Right Direction

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by Treadmarkz

The “second step” in the title of this posting refers back to my posting from yesterday. And I just want to say again, “This is what I have been looking for!” Sort of… Let me explain.

I don’t really like reality shows, or real-life-situation game shows, or whatever you want to call them. But one caught my eye because I thought it was about giving rather than winning. It even has “Give” in the title. “Oprah’s Big Give.” Sounded like a nice idea. I will not incur the wrath of Opraholics by repeating the usual criticisms of the show, which you can easily find by typing it’s title into Google.

But I am already put off to find out that it is, or will be, in the end, just like any other “Amazing Race” knockoff, in that the winner will recieve $10,000. The contestants don’t know that, but I have a feeling that they have a hunch that there is some prize involved. Ruins it for me. But I decided to keep watching.

Carlana Stone may not have come up with the greatest, most inventive ideas on the program, but she has worked hard, and she is one of the most exuberant people on the show. And I like to see someone in a wheelchair being recognized as a giver, and not the recipient of a charity. Often you’ll see able-bodied people playing for money to go to some charity like the Courage Center to benefit the “less fortunate” people in a wheelchair.
Carlana Stone is clearly not one of those “less fortunate” people. I don’t see any talk about how “this is going to be hard because I am in a wheelchair.”

Now if we could only get someone in a chair out there on Survivor. I’ve been working out a little, so maybe…

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  1. Very nice. I have not seen the show, but your post has intrigued me.

    I truly like Oprah. She is courageous and honorable and I am glad that she keeps giving and teaching others to give as well.

    Seriously McMillan


    March 10, 2008 at 3:13 PM

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